Park Hill is a great place to live. There are over 260 flats in Phase 1, and another 195 flats and townhouses in Phase 2. Phase 3 (Béton House) opened in September 2020 as student accommodation and offers 356 beds.
Buying a property
Prospective buyers should contact the developer Urban Splash for details of new properties at Park Hill. You can also search on Right Move and Zoopla for properties as they come onto the market.
Your mortgage provider may request a copy of an EWS1 (External Wall Fire Review) form. Park Hill Phase 1 has been assessed by a specialist fire engineer and the forms are available on request from the Phase 1 Management company, Plumlife.
Renting a property
Look on Right Move or Zoopla for current rentals. You may also contact Urban Splash who offer their own flats for commercial rent. If you are looking for social housing, you should contact Great Places Housing Association for details about living at Park Hill.
Renting a student room
Contact Homes for Students for information about renting a room in Béton House. Also take a look at the Béton House Instagram for photos and videos to get a sense of what it is like to stay there.