Park Hill Residents' Association
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Welcome to the PHRA newsletter.
Park Hill Residents’ Association is working for residents, tenants and leaseholders alike, both to enhance the pleasure of living in Park Hill and to help maximise both the value and the quality of the services that we receive. This newsletter shares news about developments, progress and pitfalls. This is the 60th year of Park Hill’s existence and we are in the middle of enhancement and expansion, with many changes ahead. This newsletter is a valuable part of PHRA communications, but the involvement of residents is critical and we hope that you will take every opportunity to participate as the occasions arise.
Finally, a big thank you to those who have contributed content for this newsletter.
Ernest E. |
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Home business at Park Hill? | |
PHRA invites all residents who run home-based businesses to submit their business details for inclusion in the Park Hill Business Directory.
Park Hill's commercial tenancies are well-represented in the Business Directory, and we thought it high time that we included any home-based businesses too. We know that there are architects, designers and others who work from home (and not just for Covid-19 reasons!) so wanted to extend a warm invitation for you to submit your business details for inclusion in the Business Directory.
Business listing If you'd like be included in the Business Directory, then please send an email to with the following information:
If you'd like to promote your Park Hill business, then please consider submitting your details for inclusion in the Business Directory.
Marcus B. |
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Resident Communications Working Group - call for additional members | |
In addition to this Newsletter, the Resident Communications Working Group also maintains the Park Hill website, Park Hill Wiki and PHRA's social media presence on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We are looking for help to keep all this running smoothly, and invite interested residents to help us in the following areas:
Web site - Our WordPress site needs occasional content updates, and minor administration from time to time (software patches etc)
Newsletter - We maintain the newsletter mailing list and content creation from within Wordpress, but do need content to put in the newsletter!
Wiki - The Park Hill Wiki needs occasional updates as details change or new content needs to be written.
Social media - manage PHRA's (very small) social media presence.
If you have skills in any of the following areas, or are interested in developing them, then please consider contributing to the Resident Communication Working Group
If you would like to be involved and help to develop these fantastic online resources for the people of Park Hill, then please do get in touch at Please indicate the area(s) you'd like to help with and any appropriate experience (if any). Don't be put off if you don't think you have the requisite skills. We learned most of it in about 10 minutes!
Jonathan K. & Marcus B. |
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Anti-social behaviour and vandalism | |
Unfortunately there have been a number of instances of anti social behaviour and vandalism in the vicinity of Park Hill recently. This has been raised with Plumlife and Urban Splash and we are also aware of plans by Sheffield City Council to install a CCTV camera on South Street at the top of the Steel Steps.
Please be aware of people tailgating you to enter the building, particularly groups of youths.
Make a note of the phone number for the evening security guard should you notice something that they need to be aware of. This is currently 07719 962724.
Report any litter or damage to the surrounding streets to Sheffield City Council either directly or via FixMyStreet (we recommend downloading the app to your phone). Even if you see an issue already reported on FixMyStreet, the more separate reports, the greater the chance of it being resolved quickly. Don’t forget to flag a reported issue as fixed once it has been resolved.
Our building has good surveillance of the grounds and surrounding area so if you witness an incident then any photographic or recorded evidence can help with investigations.
If you are a Facebook user, sign up to the Park Hill Residents Group where incidents are usually identified quickly and support and information shared.
While the majority of issues are the result of non residents, there are still regularly reports of noise from flats during unsociable hours. Please respect your neighbours right to enjoy their home as excessive noise can cause health and stress problems. Remember, there may be children or people trying to sleep ahead of work the next day in the room below/above/next door.
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Park Hill Garden in Spring | |
[Image credit: Pictorial Meadows]
I'm sure we have all benefitted over the last strange year from the 'horticultural therapy' of seeing and enjoying the green space visible from all our windows.
We now have the exciting prospect of seeing what grows after all the work done by both Pictorial Meadows and the Great Places gardening team over the winter.
The top wildflower bed 'Super Pollinator' thickly planted with established plantlets is already greening up . We are promised dramatic foliage forms with strong and striking flowers including surges, yarrow, and euphorbias. 'Patchwork Quilt' planting on the left hand bed should produce pretty and dainty meadow flowers with a long growing season including Dianthus, Lychnis and Echium.The 'Purple Haze' bed will be purple, white with mauve spikes and contrasting blues. Late in the season from amongst the Michaelmas daisies, loosestrife, bellflower and asters it should provide seed heads for the birds.Finally the 'Golden Summer' wildflower bed will give strong yellows, orange and reds mixed with white and creams from the poppies, Verbascum, and Coreopsis. Get out that wildflower identifier and see how many you recognise as the season progresses!
The remainder of the landscaping has benefitted from regular maintenance and remedial planting by the Great Places team. Beds beside the entrance and car park have been replanted with the original plants as per the original 'TO Studio' design and will provide interest as they establish and grow. The beds replanted with more conventional garden plants up by the table tennis table are well established and growing strongly. Again, see how many you can identify. Regular appropriate mowing, ivy trimming, and much less weedkiller use than in the past is now showing dividends for us all to enjoy.
Landscaping/gardening is always a work in progress so there is still plenty of work to be done or replaced. My eye is on the replanting of the raised herb bed for the cooks to enjoy. Above all when the weather is kind, go out and look closely at our beautiful landscaping.
Kate F. |
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[Image credit: Tom M.]
Passing through the main lobby in the last month, you may have encountered a lot of activity taking place. Residents were invited to sign up and bring their bikes along for a free check up held over 2 separate Saturdays in late February and mid March. The organiser and fellow resident Tom tells us:
“It was fantastic to be able to host two Dr Bike events at Park Hill. The events were part of Cycling UK's 'Big Bike Revival' which are funded through the Department for Transport and designed to try and get more people riding their bikes. Over the two events we had 43 bikes from residents and the surrounding community. It was great to meet some more neighbours and hear people saying how much they were looking forward to getting riding again. We also had a lot of positive comments about the events, saying what a good initiative it was and if there would be more. It certainly showed the appetite for cycling at Park Hill and the need for good quality cycle provision on site now and in the future. I am happy to be contacted on if anyone needs any work on their bikes.”
Tom M. |
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Sculpture Park Hill moves on | |
[Image credit: UrbanSplash]
When Sculpture Park Hill was launched it had just one multi-part sculpture. This work was by Keith Wilson and it is the only permanent artwork in the landscaped area. It came about in collaboration with S1 and the support of the Arts Council of England. Park Hill Plinths consists of five 3.18 m diameter disks. That diameter is the same as the building’s modular grid, and the concrete was made using the building’s mix.
As the years have passed Wilson’s sculpture has been the only one on show. Many residents have enjoyed looking at them, children have danced on them but now the first temporary exhibition has been placed on them. It was an innovative, and generous, concept to make Park Hill Plinths a sculpture that others could use.
The first exhibition is of creative street furniture from Create Partnerships, arranged in collaboration with Urban Splash and Places for People. Paul Collings, Director of Create Partnerships said: “We are delighted to partner with Urban Splash and Places for People with their inspirational redevelopment of the iconic Park Hill flats, and to exhibit some of our sculptural play and urban furniture elements on their outdoor plinths for the residents to enjoy.”
Play seems a nice theme to get the Sculpture Park Hill temporary exhibitions going. Some people love these and some hate them. That will always be the way and we can look forward to more interesting and, perhaps, controversial, exhibitions. The concept behind the initiative is explained in this video.
Ernest E. |
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[Image credit: Jonathan K.]
It's time for a spring clean around Park Hill! Park Hill Residents’ Association is holding a litter pick on Saturday 24 April between 10:00 and 12:00. Although the estate grounds are kept well clear of rubbish, we will turn our attention to the surrounding environment such as South Street, Duke Street and Granville Street.
As your health and safety are of utmost importance, we will implement appropriate social distancing and cleansing measures, provide suitable equipment and deliver a health and safety briefing beforehand.
To ensure we have an idea of how many people will be attending (to ensure we have sufficient equipment available), please can you confirm by emailing
We will meet at the main entrance at the bottom of South Street. Please check the event calendar on our website, on the day in case there are any changes or cancellation due to bad weather. We look forward to seeing you!
Jonathan K. |
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[Image credit: UrbanSplash]
The opening of a new convenience store, based at Béton House, has now been confirmed. Located on the site of the Parkway Tavern, one of the four original pubs at Park Hill, it will be 1890 square foot in size and called Park Hill Provisions. No firm date for opening but would expect it to be in the coming months.
Jonathan K. |
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Park Hill decorative items | |
Park Hill Residents' Association
Sheffield S2, United Kingdom
Copyright PHRA 2020
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